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Thailand’s ‘Little Russia
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#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 12-05-2024 14:37
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Antal indlæg: 89
Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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Why Rich Tourists Are Rushing To Buy Phuket’s Luxury Houses

Phuket is seeing a post-pandemic property boom, as wealthy Russians seek new investment and home opportunities amid the Ukraine war. Aided by relaxed visa rules and legal loopholes, Russians became the island’s second largest group of foreign condominium buyers after Chinese clients in 2023.

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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 13-05-2024 16:05
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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An influx of Russians is transforming the holiday island of Phuket, driving up property prices as well as fuelling local resentment over the flow of money into the country.

While Wester
n countries have sought to isolate Russia with sanctions, Thailand has welcomed Russian visitors as it tries to rebuild its tourism industry post-COVID.
The Thai government has recently moved to increase the length of Russian tourist visas from 30 days to 90 days.

Almost half a million Russians arrived in Phuket in the first half of this year and more than 9,000 of those were granted long-stay visas.
To cater to this market, Russian restaurants and businesses have begun popping up, while signs and menus have been translated into Cyrillic.

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#3 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 14-05-2024 14:11
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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RUSSIA'S INVASION OF PHUKET | Will The Island Ever Be The Same?

Russian's were flocking to Phuket, Thailand for vacation for decades before the war broke out, but now it is on a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. Tourism from Russia has absolutely boomed on the island since conscription began and many of those visitors arrived on a one way ticket.

This new change in demographic has a significant impact on the tourism sector, as well as the general economy for regular Thai Phuket residents.

I was absolutely shocked to see just how much the island has changed from the last time I was there in 2021 and how Russian is almost the dominant language that you hear in all the popular tourist neighborhoods.

Join me and my Dad on a tour of Kata and Karon area as I share my opinion about what this potentially means for Phuket going forward. Would love to know your thoughts in the comments!

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#4 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 16-05-2024 15:21
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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Russians Flock To Thailand After War In Ukraine: Are They Welcome?

Two years of war in Ukraine. Some Russians, escaping the draft or the dour economic situation at home, have moved to Thailand. Many found their way to the island of Phuket. On one hand, the influx of Russian visitors has helped to boost the recovering tourist industry. On the other, Russian investors have driven up property prices, while long-stay tourists are stealing jobs from locals. As more Russians are expected to arrive in 2024, what impact will this have on the 400,000 residents of Phuket?

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#5 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-05-2024 09:27
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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PHUKET has Changed in 2024? 🇹🇭 Similan Islands & Thailand’s Russian Invasion

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#6 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 26-05-2024 10:48
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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Come to Phuket, and see the Russian community living here. Explore the mix of cultures and find hidden spots in this beautiful place

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#7 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-06-2024 16:19
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Tilmeldt: 14.10.18
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Half a million Russians arrived in Phuket in six months. Now, there's growing resentment | ABC News

An influx of Russians is transforming the holiday island of Phuket, driving up property prices as well as fuelling local resentment over the flow of money into the country.

While Western countries have sought to isolate Russia with sanctions, Thailand has welcomed Russian visitors as it tries to rebuild its tourism industry post-COVID.

The Thai government has recently moved to increase the length of Russian tourist visas from 30 days to 90 days.

Almost half a million Russians arrived in Phuket in the first half of this year and more than 9,000 of those were granted long-stay visas.
To cater to this market, Russian restaurants and businesses have begun popping up, while signs and menus have been translated into Cyrillic

En halv million russere ankom til Phuket på seks måneder. Nu er der voksende vrede | ABC Nyheder

En tilstrømning af russere forvandler ferieøen Phuket, driver ejendomspriserne i vejret og vækker lokal vrede over pengestrømmen ind i landet.

Mens vestlige lande har forsøgt at isolere Rusland med sanktioner, har Thailand budt russiske besøgende velkommen, da det forsøger at genopbygge sin turistindustri efter COVID.

Gyldighedsperioden for visumfritagelse for russiske statsborgere er blevet forlænget til 90 dage, op fra 30 dage.

Næsten en halv million russere ankom til Phuket i første halvdel af dette år, og mere end 9.000 af dem fik visum til længerevarende ophold.

For at imødekomme dette marked er russiske restauranter og virksomheder begyndt at dukke op, mens skilte og menuer er blevet oversat til kyrillisk.
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