Songkran 2024
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Skrevet d. 12-04-2024 12:25

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Water fight START now!! Songkran Festival Thailand 2024
One of the best festival in the world, Songkran fesitval on Thai new year. Is something you can join while you here in Thailand.
Here is our ultimate guide for Songkran festival 2024 in Bangkok Thailand
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Skrevet d. 12-04-2024 12:27

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
[/big]Live Songkran Hatyai 2024[big]
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Skrevet d. 12-04-2024 12:29

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
LIVE: Thailand's Songkran Water Festival kicks off with a splash | REUTERS
Thais and foreigners splash each other with water during Songkran Water Festival to celebrate Thai New Year, in Bangkok.
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Skrevet d. 12-04-2024 12:34

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Discover Phuket's Songkran Festival 2024 with our ultimate adventure guide! Songkran, Thailand's most vibrant New Year celebration, transforms Phuket into a colorful, high-energy island of water fights, cultural ceremonies, and unforgettable festivities. Join us as we plunge into the heart of Thailand's iconic water festival from April 13th to 15th, 2024, showcasing everything Phuket has to offer.
ana |
Skrevet d. 13-04-2024 10:53

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Songkran splash
Thai and foreign revellers douse each other with buckets of water and water guns
amidst the scorching heat during the Songkran festival on Khaosan Road, a
renowned tourist destination in Bangkok, on Friday.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong | Published: 12 Apr 2024
Colourful elephants join water-splashing fun Ahead of Songkran, colourfully painted elephants and their mahouts invite the public to celebrate the water splashing festival at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and the Royal Kraal in Ayutthaya province from April 13 to 15, 2024. By: Jetjaras Na Ranong | Published: 9 Apr 2024
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Skrevet d. 14-04-2024 08:51

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Thailændere fejrer nytåret med vandkampe og besøg i templerne
Der er udbrudt massive vandkampe i Bangkoks gader, men det er helt ventet og helt i orden, for thailænderne har åbnet fejringen af nytåret med den traditionelle Songkran festival, der falder denne weekend.
Songkran er også kendt som vandfestivalen, hvor de mere højtidelige buddhister besøger templerne og rituelt overhælder renselsesvand på statuer af Buddha, mens de mere uhøjtidelige bevæbner sig med vandkanoner og festlig udklædning og gør klar til folkefest.
»Læs resten og se foto på DR |
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Skrevet d. 14-04-2024 09:20

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Traffic accidents have claimed 116 lives and injured nearly 1,000 others over the first three days of a road safety campaign week during this Songkran festival.
Withaya Yamuang, deputy permanent secretary for transport, said on Sunday that from April 11 to 13 there were 936 traffic accidents, 116 fatalities and 968 injured people. Speeding and drink driving were the most common causes of the accidents.
On Saturday April 13 or the Songkran (Thai New Year) day alone, there were 392 traffic accidents in which 48 people lost their lives and a further 411
were injured, Mr Withaya said.
The southern provinces of Nakhon Si Thamma and Songkhla recorded the highest number of accidents, 19 each, followed by 16 in Nan and 15 in Chiang Rai.
Read more att Bangkok Post
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
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Skrevet d. 15-04-2024 12:00

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Enjoy Songkran without alcohol or provocative attire
Siam Square, a trendy spot for people across generations, is celebrating this year's Songkran festival under the theme "Songkran Siam - Loin Cloth, Chill and Enjoy". Revellers are invited to join water-splashing fun without using powder, without provocative clothing and without consuming alcohol.
The event is taking place until Monday, from 11am to 10pm.
By: Jetjaras Na Ranong
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
Je suis Charlie |
Skrevet d. 16-04-2024 13:41

Antal indlæg: 902
Tilmeldt: 14.01.15
Buddhistiske nytårsfejringer
Der findes et væld af forskellige nytårsfejringer blandt de buddhistiske befolkninger i Asien. I Thailand fejres det traditionelle nytår i april under højtiden songkran, som kendetegnes af, at store som små deltager i en stor, fælles vandkamp.
Afvaskning af Buddha-statuer og velsignelser fra munke er nogle af de traditioner, der knytter sig til det buddhistiske nytår. I nogle asiatiske lande fylder den buddhistiske tro meget, og det sætter sit aftryk på de årlige nytårsfejringer kontinentet overDer findes et væld af forskellige nytårstraditioner på det asiatiske kontinent.
Selvom buddhismen er én religion, så fejres nytåret nemlig vidt forskelligt i de lande, hvor buddhismen er udbredt.
Men fælles for mange af de lande, hvor buddhismen er særligt stor er, at troen ofte er en vigtig del af traditionerne omkring nytår.
I de fleste lande er nytåret mere en kulturel end en religiøs fejring, men mange buddhister bruger netop højtiden til at praktisere deres tro, så de kan sikre sig lykke det kommende år.
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Skrevet d. 18-04-2024 15:37

Antal indlæg: 1773
Tilmeldt: 11.09.09
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ... |
ana |
Skrevet d. 19-04-2024 17:35

Antal indlæg: 139
Tilmeldt: 21.02.19
Thailand Bangkok S2o Songkran Festival 2024! So many pretty ladies dancing!