Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: lidt fra turist paradiset også kaldet Phuket

Oprettet af per1234 d. 08-10-2015 06:37

VIDEO Shows Vicious Beating as Guards Throw 'Tourists' Out of Phuket Nightclub

In the 48 seconds of footage, the men in black shirts can be seen repeatedly kicking the ''tourists'' in the body and the head, in some cases with maximum force.

One guard also elbows a defenceless man in the head. The guards appear to be evicting the ''tourists'' - using excessive violence in the process.


Redigeret af ADM d. 08-10-2018 15:24

Oprettet af sam d. 08-10-2015 06:53

hvad skal det goere godt for, sparke en person, der er nede, total aandssvagt, og det sker i turistparadiset Phuket!!!!!!!!!!!!

fandme godt man ikke komme slige steder!

Oprettet af skipper d. 08-10-2015 23:09

Det er nok fremmedhad, det har vi også derhjemme((5))

Redigeret af skipper d. 09-10-2015 00:03

Oprettet af yindee d. 09-10-2015 02:43

i følge Thai TV nægtede to turister at betale for deres drinks, de to skulle også have startet slagsmålet

politiet har i følge dem selv afhørt udsmiderne, som de nu vil sigte for vold hvis turisterne henvender sig og anmelder overfaldet

Oprettet af per1234 d. 11-10-2015 14:41

Phuket Nightclub Shut Down After Beatings

PHUKET: A club on Phuket where two tourists were savagely beaten by bouncers has been closed for seven days with the victims telling their side of the story to Australian television.

The security guards told police the group had refused to pay for their drinks, a claim Aaron rejected.

"That's garbage, we went in there with tickets with drinks," he said.

"We had drink cards that were 'drink-as-much as you want' from 10 until one for 800 baht."

Despite the beatings they received, none of the group were seriously hurt.

The Chief of the Kathu District, which oversees Patong, hit the White Room with a seven-day closure from last night that imposes a serious financial penalty for the violence of the guards.

Khun Weerawit said that further action will follow.
