Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: USA: Osama bin Laden dræbt i Pakistan

Oprettet af JackD d. 04-05-2011 15:28

De er sindssyge allesammen, verden vil bedrages!

Han kreperede 13. december 2001, og alle de optagelser man har postet af ham senere, er dobbeltgængere, "Made by CIA", selvfølgelig...

"So the yanks claim they flew all the way down Pakistan past Karachi air traffic control, past Pakistani radar, and all their military bases and out to sea. They also would have had to refuel twice on the way down, and twice on the way back to complete the round trip of 3500 kilometers—tee hee.

Stalin said “If you are going to lie make it a big lie”. Stalin had hardening of the arteries in the brain which made him criminally insane.

Given Brother Bin died ten years ago on December 13th 2001, you’d have to a bit of hardening of the logical thinking department to believe that Brother Bin has suddenly died twice, and the idea the yanks flew his dead bod’ 1750 klms through Pakistan for a bit o’ fun at the seaside is all beyond silly.

The Jewish owned media in the US are pumping the story for all it’s worth. 9.11 lies will unravel."




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Redigeret af JackD d. 04-05-2011 15:38